The ten principles of good soils and stones management: A cross-sector framework for sustainable resource use
“The Ten Principles of Good Soils and Stones Management” provide a clear, straightforward outline of how to use and re-use soils and stones across sectors including construction, resource management, forestry, engineering, and agriculture. This webinar gave an overview of the principles and explore how they offer a much-needed framework for sustainable use of these valuable resources, against which existing legislation and regulation can be reviewed and improved.
2 March, Online

Regulatory Underfunding and the Drive for Net Zero
This panel discussion, held in partnership with Soilfix, explored the extent to which an underfunded, under-resourced regulatory system is presenting a barrier to brownfield development through significant delays, increased costs and additional carbon outputs on remediation projects and endeavour to find a possible way forward.
27 September, Online

Groundwater 2022
This annual conference explored different emerging contaminants, including PFAS and 1,4-Dioxane, the current regulatory guidance for their risk assessment and management, appropriate monitoring and sampling analysis, and novel remediation techniques being developed to tackle these “forever chemicals”.
12 May, Online
​Impacts of Climate Change on Brownfield Regeneration – Risks and Opportunities
Whilst there are clear risks, are there also opportunities for the brownfield regeneration industry to help deliver a more sustainable, circular economy – this topic will be explored with our expert panel, held with Brownfield & Regeneration Network premium partner Soilfix.
27 September, Online

Strategies for Effectively Assessing & Managing PFAS
As well as a regulatory update on the UK Environment Agency’s position and the Environmental Protection Agency’s Strategic Roadmap, the conference focused on current approaches and practical solutions for assessing and managing PFAS. Watch the event on-demand and hear the latest thinking and technical innovations being employed globally and register now.
27 April, Online

Waste & Materials Management conference
This conference provided crucial regulatory and policy updates on managing the waste and re-use of materials in brownfield remediation & development, insights on managing legal considerations and the WM3 Waste Classification Guidance User Survey, and real-life examples in a series of case study presentations.
24 January, Online

Achieving Nutrient Neutrality in Brownfield Development
In this webinar Simon and Wendy will outline the background to the nutrient neutrality issue, talk about the process of assessment and implications for inclusion of mitigation on site (with specific focus on brownfield sites), with discussion from the Local Planning Authority point of view, explanation of more strategic options, and how things are likely to develop in the next couple of years.
19 October, Online

Use of a ‘Carbon Calculator’ Tool to Support Sustainable Remediation Design – A Contractor’s Approach
By presenting some case study examples, this webinar will highlight how Soilfix are utilising their bespoke ‘Carbon Calculator’ tool to help inform clients of the remediation option(s) with the lowest potential GHG emissions and the cost vs benefit of adopting alternative approaches, materials & ‘green fuels’.
6 July, Online

Exploring the Legal Implications of the Environment Act for Brownfield Planning & Development
Claire outlines how the Environment Act relates to the development sector, the consultations which we expect to see in 2022 starting with biodiversity net gain and whether the much awaited planning reform will bring an added complexity or simplicity to brownfield land redevelopment.
25 January, Online

Stabilisation and Solidification of Soils – Practical Implementation to Manage Geotechnical and/or Contamination Risks
In this webinar Brownfield & Regeneration Network Premium Partner and Remediation specialist Soilfix provided a variety of project examples to demonstrate how this technique can be successfully applied to solve a variety of contamination and geotechnical challenges on sites.
16 August, Online

Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Contaminated & Brownfield Land Development
This online conference saw a number of speakers who have been involved in on-going industry research and published guidance consider the impact of climate change on contaminated land risk assessment, remediation and development.
25 April, Online

Perspectives on Tackling the Skills, Resource & Diversity Challenges in the Brownfield Sector
Our Brownfield & Regeneration Network panel discussion on 8 November at 10:00 GMT, held in partnership with SiLC, brought together a diverse panel with a wide range of experiences, to discuss these challenges, including the current approach to recruitment and career development, and explore strategies to attract and recruit a more diverse workforce, and future-proof the sector to better meet changing industry and project demands.
8 November, Online

Ground Gas 2022
This annual conference sees experts from Persimmon Homes, Buro Happold, west Dunbartonshire Council, Environmental Protection Group, Renfrewshire Council. LBHGEO Ground Engineering, NS Training, Development & Assessment Ltd, CL:AIRE and RSK Environment discuss new guidance and practical solutions for improved risk assessment, mitigation and protection verification of ground gas.
4 October, Online

Unlocking Barriers to Deliver Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration
This panel discussion looked at the importance of early engagement and collaboration: involving all parties from the outset, and utilising resources available to de-risk sites and minimise potential delays and unexpected costs. Panellists also discussed how to manage the impacts of rising material costs and the sector skills shortage, and how to effectively incorporate climate change and sustainability goals into brownfield development.